Thursday, September 16, 2010

A bit of writerly ranting...

The rather menacing gentleman there is Patrick, my apple pie badass. He's not a story character (at least not yet) but a Sim (and I seriously hope I saved him before the great crash that made me reinstall the game) and he reflects my mood at the moment. Which is to say that I need a bit of menace to get my game on today. By that I mean writing game, not Sims2.

I have an all day workshop at my local RWA chapter to attend on Saturday, where I'll be pitching twice. I love pitching, so two pitches in one day is a special treat. Even better if either of them want to catch what I'm throwing.

Warrior by Zoe Archer is peeking out of my bag, taunting me. Reading time later. With my love of adventure in my stories, how can I resist a love story set in Outer Mongolia? Plus the cover is gorgeous.

I blame Michelle Ward's art for the endless loop of HIM's "Acoustic Funeral" that's been going on in my brain...and Rhapsody player. I'd never listened to that group before visiting Michelle's blog in search of art tutorials, and now it won't get out of my head. I also blame her for the decision to design my own digital brushes for words that go with images I use in my art...but this isn't an art post.

This is where I throw a fit about writing and perfectionism and telling myself what I would tell anyone else. Open a file and start pounding keys. The process will beget the content. I have never found that to be false, so on I go.

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