Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reading Writing, Rambling and Real Life

DH is home and resting comfortably after a week long hospital stay. we're both looking forward to getting back to life as normal, but big life events change normal into new normal. The fact that it comes at the same time as spring cleaning makes it rather appropriate.

I've been itching to play with the look of this blog -as well as the content- for some time now, and this felt like the right time to jump in with both feet. Since I'm the type to learn new skills by diving in and splashing around, the blog may look rather, shall we say, interesting, for a few days. Colors, backgrounds, headers, more technical things like column width and spacing and all that other fun stuff is subject to change. You have been warned.

During the past week, despite all the stress of medical issues and disrupted routine, two things surprised me. First, I wrote. even though in such times, it's perfectly understandable to not write, I found that I couldn't not-write. Not that this meant I turned out reams and reams, but it did mean that even if I didn't get to boot Word, I hungered to get at my pretty pink legal pad and get down even a few lines.

The other thing was that, depsite my earlier frustrations of not having time to read, I devoured books during this week. I tackled a few books I'd been meaning to read for a while but hadn't gotten around to for one reason or another. Deepwood by Jennifer Roberson, the second book in her Karavans fantasy series; What Angels Fear, by C.S. Harris, the first book in her Sebastian St. Cyr historical mystery series are two of the most recent. While not in the romance genre, both authors have written romance (Ms. Roberson is the author of the Sword Dancer series, which, while marketed as fantasy, reads as romance. Romance readers will be more familiar with Ms. Harris' historical romances, written as Candace Proctor.)

Both books (and Deepwood's predecessor, Karavans) both told interesting stories, had that full imersion of setting that I love to read and write in historical romance, and there were romantic elements in both. Still, I missed the focus on the one on one romance, missed the HEA, and when I closed the covers after finishing both, what did I reach for first? Historical romance. Nothing like coming home, but more on that later.

For now, I'm taking a deep breath, recharging and then inthe morning, I have a workshop to tend to, pre-packing for the NECRWA conference this coming weekend, check on recovering hubby and then it's time to read a few good romances and write a few great ones.

How do real life disruptions affect your writing or reading?

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