Friday, March 16, 2007

They say you never forget the first time...

I don't remember how old I was, or exactly where we were, but I do remember it was a town-hall kind of building and my mother did volunteer work with the League of Women Voters. I couldn't have been more than six, because I think it was a weekday. To this day, I can't remember what Mom was doing there, but I do remember watching with rapt fascination as oodles of pages rolled out of a machine...and those pages...were...not...white. Green! Blue! Yellow! Purple! Pink! Actual typewritten words churned out of those clunky, noisy machines, and all of those words went on colored paper. That, dear readers, was the day I fell in love with printables.

Don't ask me what those papers were for. It was probably some sort of manual or directory and I really don't want to spoil the illusion. All I knew was that I had a desperate hunger deep down in my soul for them. I wanted at least one printed page on each color. What would I do with it? Dunno. Need it.

Which is still my gut reaction when confronted with a new pretty paper today. Or when I have something of import to print on it. As it was this week when I printed the first new batches of business cards and bookmarks sent to me by my graphic designer, Kathleen. I have a nagging urge to run out into the street and hand them out to passersby. Though considering the storm we're currently having here in CT, that would probably be a vain and cold proposition. Plus the printables would get soggy.

I will try and stick images up on Photobucket later, but for now I'll settle for squealing like a 60's teenager at a Beatles concert over how totally awesome it is to see my face with "author of..." and two new covers under my first one. Yeah. Respect! Now to go make the submission rounds so I can get yet more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, hon...I am so happy to be able to help you out this way. Right now, you're my first and only "client." Just send an s.o.s. when you need something else for your publicity. I have such fun doing this! LOL!