These meetings are always memorable, and when Corrina Lawson and I get a chance to gab, talk often turns to television. We have similar tastes, and she hasn't steered me wrong yet, so when I told her I'd finally gotten a chance to get into Mad Men, this opened up yet another avenue of conversation.
Given my penchant for gorgeous period detail, great acting and emotional drama, why didn't I jump on Mad Men the second it came out? Too close to home. My father was, for most of my childhood, an art director in advertising in New York, so the idea about a show set in basically my dad's office didn't sound like the most appealing of prospects. Now that AMC is re-airing the show, I have to re-evaluate that position. I'm coming late to this party, in the second season, but that's what DVDs are for, right? Hey, I came into Highlander in season three, and those who know me know how that turned out, so late arrival does not mean missing the party, by any means.
I do believe the DVDs are going to be a must, not only to get the subtext -Corrina's tip that lead character Don Draper is himself a construct is, I think, going to be key to getting the most out of this- of both characters and world, but to drink in every drop of the gorgeous midcentury set design and costuming. Okay, and John Slattery; I'm still not over his character being recast on Judging Amy. Punctuated frequently by observations of this or that being eerily close to the homes, clothing, posessions or patterns of speech I remember from when I was a wee sproglet looking up at the adults. I will admit to a bit of flashback in an episode where Don brings his young daughter, Sally, into the office, as I'd been in Sally's shoes a few times myself. While I'm expecting a few more moments like that, I'm ready and willing to dive into the world of Don, Peggy and company. In short, I'm sold.
Since it is not possible for me to have a conversation on current TV without mentioning The Walking Dead, Corrina pointed me toward the BBC series Survivors. Unlikely band of survivors banding together after the end of the world as we know it? Check. From mysterious circumstances? Check. Like The Walking Dead but with British people and no zombies? Looking for DVDs now. Definitely have to catch this one.
Boardwalk Empire's name also came up as something I might want to investigate, given my preferences. Intricate historical drama, gorgeous period detail, and bonus, Steve Buscemi, who is crazy talented.
What do you think? I don't have HBO, but am willing to hunt for DVDs, and suggestions for new (or new-to-me) period dramas are always welcome.
Yes, absolutely look up "Boardwalk Empire." Buscemi is fabulous, but so's Michael Pitt, who plays young Jimmy Darmody who delivers some of the best lines with a lot of subtext. A creepy factor here for me is that I've seen childhood photos of my mother dressed up like little girls of the period, which - of course- she was. If it's any comfort, we're late to Mad Men, too.
Thanks, Rhonda, I will look up Boardwalk Empire. I do have to confess I'll have some of that same creepy factor, as I have lots of pictures of my dad's family from that period. At least we know when they're getting the details right when we have primary source material like those pictures.
If you ever take Michael Hauge's course about the journey from Identity to Essence, it's great fun to apply it to Mad Men.
It's fascinating to me that Don Draper is a construct who works in a job selling similar constructs to the general public.
Corinna, that's a great idea to apply the identity to essence scale to Don, and I do find it very intriguing that they have a construct selling constructs...guess he really does know his business.
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