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One of the perils of writing in coffee shops is that sometimes loud people (often very young) will occupy the next table. Add to that the fact that I am fully loaded to go into actual discussion of a movie that is currently in theaters, and thus have Colin Firth on the brain. So that's what you get today.
"Yes, We Have No Bananas" from The English Patient
No desire to see What a Girl Wants, but this counts as happy dancing:
I did not know Easy Virtue existed until searching for clips for today, but now it's on my must see list.
Please join Colin and friends for a big finish:
I need to watch all those clips after the little one goes to bed, but that last one I saw in the theater. LOVE that movie. Love Colin Firth actually. Thanks for brightening my Friday. :)
My pleasure, Kimberly. Colin Firth is amazing, extremely versatile and I've never seen a bad performance from him.
Okay, just watched all the clips and am moving "English Patient" up in my queue and adding "Easy Virtue" to it. He's truly an excellent actor.
He really is exemplary. I loved The English Patient, so will be eager to hear your impressions.
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