Monday, September 20, 2010

I is tired wurk too hard
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
The Weekend That Was

Another Monday, and the kitteh above is doing a great impression of me at the keyboard. The all day CORW workshop on Saturday wore me out, but in a good way. Guest speakers Annette Blair and Toni Andrews spoke respectively on building sexual tension and plotting. If you get the chance to see either of them in person, do.

Once again, at the basket giveaway, the person on the right of me won a basket, the person on the left of me won a basket. Guess who broke the pattern. Ahem. I did go home with a Samhain (publishing house, not Halloween) t-shirt, which is appropriate, as I did get to pitch both Endless Summer and Draperwood to both them and literary agent Jan Kardys from the BlackHawk agency. Since I did get requests from both, that is actually better than a basket. I will still accept random gifts of office supplies, tea and chocolate, however. (Yes, I am still punchy, why do you ask?)

This brings me to the seesaw of "yay, requests" and "ack, requests." Authors, you know what I mean. Readers, this is where the author runs around in little circles, muttering incomprehensible things about voice and marketing. Pretend you don't notice, and they will return to polishing the manuscript. Give them their beverage of choice and back away slowly.

Looking at a nicely full week of preparing submissions, new writing, critiquing and a new lesson for my online workshop. Does this warrant an extra cat nap?

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