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Happy Dance #95, can you believe it? That's a lot of happy and a lot of dancing. Not that far from the big 1-0-0. May have to think about doing something special for that one, and as DH continues to improve, I plan on getting current with the Saturday at the Movies posts, as well as adding more reading/writing content.
Today is very much a day for happy dancing; DH is home and getting better every day, I am having a blast with my From Fanfiction to Fantastic Fiction online workshop at SavvyAuthors and in the late afternoon, I get to hit the road with my longtime friend and critique partner, Melva, heading off for the NECRWA conference. Not the first time for either of us, but the first time as members, so that's going to be special. A hotel full of writers, free promo swag, workshops, a pitch session, and it's basically Extroverted Writer Christmas.
I'm still on a Snow Patrol kick, and found another video where they employ ballroom with a twist. Gorgeous 1930s Hollywood is the theme here, from the costumes to lush Art Deco sets, and a lavish dance number to tie it all together. Flowy gowns, tailcoats, sumptous surrounds and an inspiring message could all fit as well then as today. I think Fred and Ginger would be proud, and I'm not saying there aren't any seeds of story ideas within this clip. How about you?